© Michael Mang, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Allgäuer Zeitung

From Visitor Parking Congestion to Sustainable Tourism Mobility

A crowded destination, parking lots for hikers are constantly congested. Discontent among the locals is growing, and the visitors are starting to complain as well. The region’s tourism board is striving for a sustainability certification and would like to support the mobility revolution. The only question is: how? The technical feasibility of potential interventions and their expected uptake is difficult to assess. As an after-effect of the pandemic, there’s an austerity budget; pushing through an inherently risky innovation project in the community isn’t easy.

This is where the EDIH “Crowd in Motion” comes into play: The EDIH innovation experts advise the tourism board and explore the digital and green transformation potential. For example, depending on the relevance, an innovative nudging concept could be developed to motivate tourists towards more sustainable tourism mobility by means of incentives.